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"The Melodic Harmonization Book"
The place where your creativity has no end.
"TMHB" Concept
In this example we can notice that in a triad of: Root, ∆3rd and ∆5th; C is the Root of C∆|∆3rd of Ab∆| and ∆5th of F∆. This means that any of these chords can harmonize the note C.
This concept applies to all chord qualities in all positions, whether: major, minor, augmented, diminished, quartal, sus4, 6th chords;
Root | 3rd(∆/m) | 5th(b /#) | 7th(∆/m) | 9(b /#) | 11(#) | 13.
TMHB (E-Book)
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TMHB (Physical Book)
Did you know that there are hundreds or even thousands of ways to harmonize or reharmonize a note? That's so hard, right? And it really is; great musicians with an incredible capacity for reharmonization have the same knowledge that is the internalization of the possibilities of harmonics. When you have harmonies in your ear at your disposal, your creativity is sharpened and it makes it easier to choose when composing or harmonizing in an improvisation, but have you ever imagined how difficult it would be to find chords that sound good or match the melody? It would take days for a single note. That's why this book was created as a "dictionary" of possible chords for a single note for each of the 12 musical notes.